Dallas Lauderdale III is a man of many teams. Born September 11, 1988, into his first team – team Lauderdale. Dallas was born a star player to Dallas Jr. and Carol and teammate to older sister, Tahja. Team Lauderdale taught Dallas fundamentals, skills and has contributed to his close-knit relationship with his parents, biggest fans and with his sister, his best friend.
Dallas’ second team is one he is not ashamed to share with others, his Spiritual team. Ordained a minister at Trinity Christian Church in Solon, Ohio, Dallas has a big heart and that may possibly stand taller than he does. As a Spiritual team player, he is an avid reader of the playbook – the Holy Bible. Dallas enjoys encouraging all he comes in contact with and has a special desire to encourage young men. Dallas has the ability to relate to all types of people in several situations and enjoys being a role model to younger and older men. He also helps prepare bible studies relevant to topics young men can relate to within their own lives.

Dallas’ third team may be the one he is most known for, but he knows he couldn’t make team 3 without the support, foundation and fundamentals he continues to receive and learn in his first two teams. Team 3 – his Basketball team. His Basketball teams include Solon High School, Ohio State University (OSU), Poland and Portland Trail Blazers. Dallas leads Solon in scoring, rebounding and blocked shots. At Solon, he was a 4-time district champion. At OSU he is third on all-time block list. He appeared twice with OSU for sweet 16 and is a member of the big ten all-defensive team. In 2007, he was AAU National champion. Dallas' professional basketball teams include: played in Poland for a year and attended training camp with the Portland Trail Blazers, a year in which he experienced his most success as a professional with the Idaho Stampede, and training camp with the Charlotte Hornets. As a result of his performance, he has been featured twice in Sports Illustrated.
With the support of the three teams, Dallas created Direction Up Basketball Camp. The camp gave Dallas the opportunity to ignite a love for basketball into the hearts of Cleveland's youth.
The message behind the camp is to change perspectives from negative to positive not only on the court but off it as well. In its inaugural year, 2015, participants sharpened their skills through intensive training that focused on returning to the basic fundamentals. Participants had an opportunity to interact with Dallas and several of his teammates. Direction Up participants left with increased characteristics of great teammates: dedication, hard work, and self confidence. Most importantly Direction Up added a new team made of long-lasting teammates one of whom will be Dallas Lauderdale III, a man of many teams, family, spiritual, basketball.

Basketball Honors, Awards, and Achievements
Leads Solon High in scoring and rebounding and blocked shots
Ohio Division 1 Championship
2 time Regional runner-up
3 year Western Reserve Conference MVP
Division 1 first team All State
One of three high school students from Cleveland area nominated for Outstanding High School Athlete Award presented by Greater Cleveland Sports Commission
2007 AAU National Champion
4 time District Champion in High School
3rd on Ohio State all-time block list
Sweet 16 appearance twice on Ohio State
Big Ten All-Defensive Team
Featured in Sports Illustrated twice
Played first professional year in Zgorzelec, Poland (PGE Turow)
Attended training camp with the Portland Trail Blazers (NBA)
Played for the Idaho Stampede (NBDL)
Attended training camp with the Charlotte Hornets (NBA)
Played for Maine Red Claws (NBDL)
Played for Debrecen, Hungary (DEAC)